Takahe Mathematical Thinkers

Takahe Mathematical Thinkers

Monday, October 18, 2021

Maths when making a Niuean Kahoa

 Maths in making a Kahoa

Kahoa is a traditional piece of Niuean culture worn by both males and females during traditional cultural performances.

You can make Kahoa ( head bands) at home with your families to celebrate Niuean Language week. 

You can use flowers and leaves to make our Kahoa.

If you picked 20 flowers and 20 leaves. 

What are some possible ways of arranging the flowers and leaves if you had to make (some for little children and some for big children)

  • 2 head bands
  • 5 head bands
  • 10 head bands

Draw pictures of your Kahoa and share your Mathematical thinking with us. 


  1. Fakaaue, Mrs Alluring for sharing about Niuean taonga of Kahoa and the language links with maths

    1. Thank You Mr Reddy. We will be sharing our Niuean Maths problem today with children on Google meets.
